Installation Échangeur d'Air Venmar partout dans le Grand Montréal

Collection: Venmar Air Exchanger installation throughout Greater Montreal

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  • Welcome to AirGreen, the name Montreal trusts when it comes to all things HVAC! As a prominent HVAC service provider, we cater to Greater Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, South Shore, and North Shore, bringing HVAC sales and installation services of unparalleled quality to your doorstep. In our continuing quest to enhance the living conditions of our customers, we have dedicated an Air Exchanger section on our website where we take great pride in offering an impressive lineup of Venmar Air Exchangers.

    Venmar, a name synonymous with ground-breaking air exchange technology, consistently proved itself a pivotal player in promoting optimum indoor air quality. As we navigate through the detailed extent of our Venmar Air Exchanger offerings, you'll observe the unique features of each series – from the N Series to the AI2 Series. We invite you to delve into each facet of these air exchanger series as we amplify their distinct characteristics, technological prowess, and benefits they bring to your home.

  • The Venmar Air Exchanger Journey: Breathing Fresh Life into Your Living Spaces

    N Series: The Versatility Maestro

    Embodying an astoundingly well-balanced offering, the models under the N Series (A110H65RT, A110H65RS, A130H65RT, A130H65RS, A160H65RT, A160H65RS, A150H75NT, A150H75NS, A130E65RT, A130E65RS, A160E65RT, A160E65RS) bring forth an amalgamation of robust performance, versatile functionalities, and energy efficiency. By seamlessly controlling humidity levels and fostering the expulsion of stale air, these air exchangers ensure that your home's indoor air is always refreshing, healthy, and invigorating.

    • Easy setup and operation: The N series models are designed for quick setup and straightforward operation, reducing the time and effort required for installation.
    • Auto-balancing and self-adjusting technology: These features help maintain the perfect balance of indoor air, providing continuous fresh air supply while expelling stale air.
  • K Series: Superior Performance Simplified

    Next up, the K Series (44152, 44153, 44500, 44502), a perfect blend of simplicity and high-performance operation. With a user-friendly control system, these air exchangers work tirelessly to provide superior ventilation and extraction, thereby promoting an optimal indoor air quality environment.

    • Advanced ventilation technology: K Series air exchangers use advanced ventilation technology to provide a consistent supply of fresh air and efficient extraction of stale air.
    • User-friendly control system: Each K Series model comes with an easy-to-use control system, ensuring hassle-free operation and maintenance.

    E Series: Energy Efficiency at its Finest

    The E Series (43911) encapsulates the ideal synergy between effective ventilation and energy efficiency. These models provide high-quality air exchange solutions while guaranteeing significant energy savings, contributing to a healthier and environmentally friendly living environment.

    • High energy efficiency: With their unique design and advanced technology, the E Series models offer superior energy efficiency, making them a cost-effective choice for homeowners.
    • Superior air exchange solutions: These air exchangers provide efficient ventilation and extraction, promoting a healthy indoor air environment.
  • S Series: Futuristic Home Ventilation

    The S Series (41700, 41701 (REVERSE), 41702) brings forth a futuristic vision of home ventilation. Using advanced technology to maintain perfect humidity and temperature conditions, these models ensure that the air inside your home is always fresh and healthy.

    • Advanced ventilation technology: S Series air exchangers incorporate cutting-edge technology, offering superior ventilation, humidity control, and temperature regulation.
    • Fresh and healthy indoor air: By efficiently extracting stale air and supplying fresh air, the S Series models help maintain a fresh and healthy indoor air environment.

    SOLO 2.0 ES: Embodiment of Venmar Innovation

    The SOLO 2.0 ES (47720) demonstrates Venmar's commitment to top-tier design and cutting-edge innovation. This model offers an efficient and powerful solution for maintaining excellent indoor air quality, making it a preferred choice among homeowners.

    • Efficient and powerful performance: SOLO 2.0 ES provides an efficient and powerful air exchange solution, maintaining excellent indoor air quality.
    • Advanced design and innovation: Incorporating cutting-edge design and technology, this model offers a superior blend of performance, efficiency, and convenience.
  • Novofit 1.5ES: Superior Performance with Style

    Meet the Novofit 1.5ES (46121), an air exchanger that beautifully blends style, functionality, and high-end performance. Its elegant design houses a powerful ventilation system that ensures a consistent supply of fresh and clean air.

    • Blend of style and functionality: Novofit 1.5ES combines sleek design with superior functionality, providing an efficient and stylish air exchange solution.
    • Powerful ventilation system: With its powerful ventilation system, this model ensures a consistent supply of fresh air, promoting a healthy indoor air environment.

    X Series: Unmatched Ventilation Technology

    The X Series (X24HRVE, X24ERVE, X30HRVE, X30ERVE) is the pinnacle of ventilation technology. With unparalleled performance and efficiency, these models provide the most effective air exchange process while optimizing energy consumption.

    • Unparalleled performance and efficiency: X Series air exchangers offer unmatched performance and efficiency, providing the most effective air exchange solution.
    • Optimized energy consumption: These models are designed to optimize energy consumption, making them a cost-effective choice for homeowners.
  • AI2 Series: Intelligent Ventilation for Modern Homes

    Lastly, the AI2 Series (A180E75RT, A180H75RT, A210E75RT, A210E75RS, A230H75RT, A230H75RS) heralds a new era of intelligent ventilation. These air exchangers are equipped with AI features that maximize performance and energy efficiency, making them perfectly suited for modern, smart homes.

    • Intelligent ventilation technology: AI2 Series air exchangers incorporate advanced AI technology, offering superior performance and energy efficiency.
    • Perfectly suited for modern homes: With their advanced features and capabilities, these models are perfectly suited for modern, smart homes.

    At AirGreen, we are more than just an HVAC provider; we are your partner in creating healthier living spaces. Our Venmar Air Exchangers bear testimony to this commitment, providing high-performing, energy-efficient solutions that do more than meet your needs – they surpass them.

    From Greater Montreal to Laval, Longueuil, the South Shore, or the North Shore, count on AirGreen to bring you unrivaled HVAC solutions that make a tangible difference in your life. Dive into our vast selection of Venmar Air Exchangers and discover the difference that quality can make in your indoor air quality. Breathe easier with AirGreen, your trusted partner for quality HVAC solutions.