Quel est le meilleur endroit pour installer un échangeur d'air?
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What is the Best Place to Install an Air Exchanger?

What is the Best Place to Install an Air Exchanger? – An Extensive Guide by AirGreen

AirGreen, a leading HVAC company in Montreal, offers extensive experience in selling and installing Air Exchangers. The goal of this comprehensive guide is to provide a better understanding of the best placement for air exchangers in your home to ensure optimal performance.

Understanding the Importance of Proper Air Exchanger Installation

Proper placement of your air exchanger is a crucial factor in ensuring that it performs efficiently and effectively. An air exchanger promotes a healthier indoor environment by regulating the exchange of indoor and outdoor air. However, for it to function at its best, its installation site requires careful consideration.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Air Exchanger Installation Site

Several factors need to be taken into account when deciding the best placement for your air exchanger, including accessibility, noise levels, ventilation, and proximity to power sources. Let's explore these in more detail:

  1. Accessibility: The air exchanger should be easily accessible for maintenance and repairs. This means avoiding areas that are cramped or hard to reach.
  2. Noise Levels: While modern air exchangers are relatively quiet, they still produce some noise during operation. Thus, it's best to avoid installing them near bedrooms or quiet living areas.
  3. Ventilation: Proper ventilation is crucial for efficient operation. The air exchanger should be in a well-ventilated area to allow for an adequate exchange of air.
  4. Proximity to Power Sources: The air exchanger needs to be near a power source to operate. This needs to be considered when choosing the installation site.

The Best Places to Install an Air Exchanger

Given the considerations mentioned above, the following locations are often considered optimal for air exchanger installation:

  • The Basement: The basement is often the most suitable place to install an air exchanger, especially in colder climates like Montreal. It is generally accessible, has ample space, and the noise produced will be less likely to disturb the living areas. Furthermore, basements often require better air circulation to combat dampness, making it an ideal location.
  • The Attic: If the basement is not an option, the attic can be an alternative. However, it's important to ensure that the attic has sufficient insulation to protect the unit from extreme temperatures.
  • Utility Room: If your home has a utility room, this can also be a good option. These rooms are typically well-ventilated and easily accessible.

Customizing Your Air Exchanger Installation

At AirGreen, we understand that each home is unique. Therefore, while these locations are typically suitable, we work with homeowners to find the best location in their specific house. We assess factors like the layout of the house, the number of occupants, their lifestyle, and any specific air quality requirements.

The installation site is then determined based on these assessments to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.


The installation of an air exchanger can greatly improve the indoor air quality of your home. However, the key to maximizing its potential lies in the proper placement of the unit. At AirGreen, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the best indoor air quality with our professional installation services. Contact us today to learn more about our HVAC services and let us guide you in making your home a healthier living environment.