Installation d'une fournaise électrique Gree Flexx à Westmount, Montréal
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Installation of a Gree Flexx Electric Furnace in Westmount, Montreal

The Warmth of Innovation: How a Gree Flexx Transformed a Westmount Home

The Challenge of an Aging System

In the quaint, picturesque neighborhood of Westmount in Montreal, a typical household faced a recurring dilemma with their old heating system. Every few years, the furnace would falter, leaving the residents in the cold during the harsh Quebec winters. This year, however, the decision was made to embrace a change that promised efficiency and peace of mind: the installation of a Gree Flexx Electric Furnace.

Choosing the Gree Flexx: A Decision Driven by Warranty and Efficiency

The choice of the Gree Flexx was influenced by several compelling factors. Foremost was the 12-year warranty on parts and compressor—unmatched in the industry and a testament to the manufacturer's confidence in their product. Additionally, the electric furnace qualified for the LogisVert Grant from Hydro-Québec, a substantial financial incentive that encourages residents to upgrade to more energy-efficient systems.

Installation Day: Precision and Professionalism

The installation process was straightforward, given the simple yet meticulous requirements of the job. The team from AirGreen, equipped with extensive experience and a customer-centric approach, undertook the task. Old pipes and wiring from the previous setup were reused, not only to minimize waste but also to honor the home's existing infrastructure. This approach exemplified our commitment to sustainable practices without compromising on quality.

Ensuring Integrity of the System

Before the new unit was installed, the old pipes were rigorously checked for leaks and cleaned thoroughly. This ensured that no remnants from the past would hinder the performance of the new system. Such attention to detail is often overlooked, but at AirGreen, it is a standard part of our protocol, reflecting our dedication to delivering a flawless service.

Accommodating the Existing Humidifier

A unique aspect of this installation was the integration of the household's existing humidifier. It was crucial for us to carefully disconnect and reconnect this component, ensuring that the system's overall functionality was seamless. This customization highlighted our ability to tailor our services to meet specific client needs, enhancing the personal touch that defines our work.

Features of the Gree Flexx Electric Furnace

The Gree Flexx is not just another furnace; it is a pinnacle of heating technology. Here are some of the standout features:

  • Energy Efficiency: With up to 20 SEER and 10.5 HSPF, it operates with remarkable efficiency.
  • Adaptability: This model can heat effectively in temperatures as low as -30°C, ensuring comfort even in the deepest freeze.
  • Quiet Operation: The external sound pressure is as low as 45 dB(A), making it one of the quietest in its class.
  • Advanced Controls: Features like eco mode, powerful operation mode, and an illuminated wireless remote control provide ease of use and additional comfort.
  • Safety and Convenience: Automatic restart after power failures and a timer function with optional Wi-Fi control via a thermostat add layers of convenience and safety.

Client Satisfaction: A Testament to Our Commitment

Post-installation, the homeowner expressed immense satisfaction with both the product and the service. The performance of the Gree Flexx and the professionalism displayed by AirGreen's team were key factors in this positive outcome. Their endorsement is not just about a job well done but about a relationship built on trust and enhanced comfort that we aim to provide every client.

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