Peut-on améliorer la qualité de l'air intérieur en nettoyant régulièrement les hottes de cuisine? (Guide 2024)
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Can regular cleaning of kitchen hoods improve indoor air quality? (Guide 2024)

Can Cleaning Kitchen Hoods Improve Indoor Air Quality? A Comprehensive Guide 2024


In a world where indoor air quality is an increasing concern, especially in dense urban areas like Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, and the South Shore and North Shore regions, the effectiveness of kitchen hood cleaning in improving this air quality becomes relevant. At AirGreen, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy environment in your living or working space. This article thoroughly explores the impact of regular kitchen hood cleaning on indoor air quality.

The Importance of Cleaning Kitchen Hoods

Elimination of Contaminants

Kitchen hoods play a crucial role in suctioning and eliminating contaminants generated during cooking, such as smoke, grease, and odors. Regular cleaning ensures their optimal functioning, thus reducing the presence of harmful particles in the air.

Prevention of Microbial Proliferation

The grease and moisture accumulated in uncleaned hoods can become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Cleaning prevents this proliferation, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

In-Depth Cleaning Techniques

Professional Cleaning

At AirGreen, our experts use advanced cleaning techniques, tailored to the different types of kitchen hoods, whether residential or commercial. This personalized approach ensures effective removal of grease and residue.

Eco-Friendly and Safe Products

We prioritize the use of eco-friendly and safe cleaning products, not only for the environment but also for the occupants of the premises. These products are specially designed to break down grease without damaging the hood components.

Recommended Cleaning Frequency

Residential Hoods

For residential kitchen hoods, a thorough cleaning is recommended at least once a year. This frequency may increase depending on the usage of the kitchen.

Commercial Hoods

In commercial establishments, where kitchen use is more intensive, quarterly cleaning is often necessary to maintain optimal air quality.

Long-Term Benefits of Regular Cleaning

Increased Equipment Lifespan

Regular maintenance extends the lifespan of kitchen hoods, thus avoiding high repair or replacement costs.

Improved Air Quality

By effectively removing grease and contaminants, regular cleaning of kitchen hoods significantly contributes to improving indoor air quality.

Compliance with Safety Standards

Adequate cleaning also ensures compliance with safety and hygiene standards, especially crucial in commercial environments.


Regular cleaning of kitchen hoods is an essential element in improving indoor air quality. At AirGreen, we are dedicated to providing specialized cleaning services, tailored to the specific needs of our clients in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, and the South Shore and North Shore regions. Contact us for a professional and personalized assessment of your kitchen hood cleaning needs.

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