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Can cleaning a central heat pump increase heating performance? (Guide 2024)

Can Cleaning a Central Heat Pump Increase Heating Performance?

The Impact of Cleaning on Heat Pump Performance

Regular cleaning of your central heat pump is a key factor in optimizing its performance. At AirGreen, we understand the importance of meticulous maintenance, especially in the regions of Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, as well as the South Shore and North Shore, where climate conditions can significantly affect HVAC system performance.

Why Cleaning is Essential

  • Improved energy efficiency: A clean system uses less energy to produce the same amount of heat.
  • Prevention of breakdowns: Cleaning helps prevent costly breakdowns that can occur due to the accumulation of dirt and debris.
  • System longevity: Regular maintenance extends the life of your heat pump.

Advanced Cleaning Techniques

Professional Approach

At AirGreen, we use advanced cleaning techniques tailored to each heat pump model. Our expert technicians ensure that every component is thoroughly cleaned, guaranteeing optimal system performance.

Key Points of Cleaning

  • Filter cleaning: Essential for maintaining good air quality and efficient circulation.
  • Coil inspection: They must be free of dust and debris to ensure efficient heat transfer.
  • Duct checks: Regular cleaning of the ducts is crucial for even air distribution.

Tips to Maximize Your Heat Pump's Performance

Regular Maintenance

  • Constant monitoring: Stay alert for signs of performance decline or unusual noises.
  • Frequent cleaning of exterior areas: Ensure that the outdoor units are not obstructed by leaves or other debris.
  • Seasonal adjustments: Adjust your heat pump settings according to the seasons for maximum efficiency.


Professional and regular cleaning of your heat pump by AirGreen can significantly increase its heating performance. We are committed to providing exceptional service to ensure comfort and energy efficiency in your homes and businesses in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, as well as the South Shore and North Shore.

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