Quels sont les signes d'un nettoyage inefficace de climatiseur central? (Guide 2024)
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What are the signs of ineffective cleaning of a central air conditioner? (Guide 2024)

Signs of Ineffective Cleaning of Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps


Regular maintenance of your central air conditioner and heat pump is crucial for ensuring optimal operation. But how can you tell if the cleaning has been effective? Here are some telltale signs.

Recognizing Ineffective Cleaning

Reduced Performance

An obvious sign is a drop in performance. If the air doesn't feel as cool or if the unit struggles to maintain the temperature, it could mean that the cleaning was not thorough.

Increased Energy Consumption

Higher energy consumption can indicate inadequate cleaning. A dirty unit has to work harder, which reflects on your electricity bill.

Unusual Noise

Unusual noises coming from the unit can suggest a buildup of dirt or debris. An effective cleaning should eliminate these blockages.

The Importance of Thorough Cleaning

Air Quality

A superficial cleaning might leave contaminants in the air. A thorough cleaning ensures better indoor air quality, which is essential for your health.

Appliance Lifespan

Regular and complete maintenance prolongs the lifespan of your air conditioner and heat pump. The internal components stay in good condition, reducing the risk of costly breakdowns.

Choosing a Qualified Professional

Expertise and Experience

Selecting a qualified professional is crucial. An experienced company like AirGreen will know how to identify and address the specific issues with your system.

Specialized Techniques and Tools

A professional has the necessary tools and techniques for a deep clean, thus ensuring the effectiveness and safety of the process.

Tips for Effective Maintenance

Regular Scheduling

Scheduling regular maintenance is essential. This helps detect and address issues before they worsen.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Keep an eye out for signs of ineffective cleaning and don't hesitate to contact a professional if you have doubts or questions.


Ineffective cleaning of your central air conditioner and heat pump can significantly impact its operation, your comfort, and your health. By choosing AirGreen for the maintenance of your air conditioning system, you ensure a deep and professional cleaning, thus guaranteeing the optimal performance of your unit.

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