Comment choisir entre ventilation centralisée et décentralisée? (Guide 2024)
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How to choose between centralized and decentralized ventilation? (Guide 2024)

Choosing Between Centralized and Decentralized Ventilation: A Complete Guide for 2024

Introduction to Modern Ventilation

In the current context where indoor air quality has become a major concern for residents of Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, South Shore, and North Shore, the question arises: should one opt for a centralized or decentralized ventilation system? At AirGreen, we offer a detailed overview to guide you in this crucial choice.

Understanding Centralized Ventilation

Centralized ventilation consists of a single system that distributes air throughout the structure via a network of ducts. Here are its main characteristics:

  • Uniform Air Treatment: The air quality is consistent in all spaces.
  • Energy Efficiency: Often associated with technologies like heat pumps, it can be more eco-friendly.
  • Centralized Filtration: A single filtration point for the entire house.

Exploring Decentralized Ventilation

On the contrary, decentralized ventilation involves the use of several small systems distributed in different zones. Its advantages are:

  • Individual Control: Each unit can be controlled separately, offering increased flexibility.
  • Simplified Installation: Less invasive, it is ideal for renovations or buildings without existing ducts.
  • Reduction of Energy Loss: Less energy loss due to the long distances of ducts.

Criteria for Selecting Between Centralized and Decentralized

The choice between these two options depends on several factors:

  • The Configuration and Size of the Building: Large structures often benefit from centralized ventilation.
  • Specific Air Quality Needs: If certain areas require specific air treatment, decentralized ventilation may be more suitable.
  • Budget and Energy Consumption: Initial costs and long-term energy savings should be taken into account.

Innovations and Trends in Ventilation for 2024

Technological advances offer new possibilities in terms of ventilation. Among the trends to watch:

  • Smart Systems: The integration of home automation allows for precise and remote control of ventilation systems.
  • Eco-friendly Solutions: The focus is on low-energy consumption systems that are environmentally friendly.
  • Air Quality and Health: Innovations focus on air filtration and purification for better respiratory health.


At AirGreen, we understand the importance of a ventilation system that is suited to your living or working space in Montreal and its surroundings. Whether you opt for a centralized or decentralized solution, our team is here to advise and support you in your project. Contact us for a personalized solution and enjoy superior air quality.

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