Repair Service: Central Air Conditioner - Refrigerant Leaks

Repair Service: Central Air Conditioner - Refrigerant Leaks

Navigating Refrigerant Leaks in Central Air Conditioners | AirGreen Montreal

Welcome to the scorching summers of Montreal, where your central air conditioner becomes your most prized possession. But what happens when this precious asset starts showing signs of malfunction? One of the most prevalent issues that can affect your central air conditioner's cooling performance is refrigerant leaks. Montreal-based HVAC company, AirGreen, is here to walk you through the challenges and solutions of managing refrigerant leaks in your central air conditioning system.

Understanding Refrigerant Leaks

A central air conditioner functions by using refrigerant to absorb heat from inside your home and release it outside. However, if your air conditioner has a refrigerant leak, it can severely impact the system's cooling capacity. These leaks occur when the refrigerant lines develop holes or cracks, allowing the refrigerant to escape.

It's vital to note that an air conditioner is a closed system - it should not lose refrigerant unless there's a leak. AirGreen's expert technicians can identify these leaks and provide appropriate repair solutions.

Detecting Refrigerant Leaks

Detecting refrigerant leaks in your central air conditioner can be challenging, as they often occur in the system's hidden components. However, certain signs can indicate a potential leak:

  1. Decreased cooling performance: If your air conditioner is struggling to cool your home as efficiently as it used to, a refrigerant leak might be the culprit.
  2. Ice build-up on the coils: When the refrigerant level drops, the evaporator coil may not absorb enough heat, causing it to freeze over.
  3. Hissing or bubbling noise: Leaks from the refrigerant lines can create a hissing or bubbling sound.
  4. Higher electricity bills: If your air conditioner is working overtime to cool your home due to a refrigerant leak, you may notice a spike in your energy costs.

AirGreen's HVAC services in Montreal include a thorough inspection of your air conditioning system to detect and locate any refrigerant leaks.

Repairing Refrigerant Leaks and Recharging the System

Once the refrigerant leak has been identified, the next step is to repair the leak and recharge the system. At AirGreen, our skilled technicians are proficient in effectively sealing these leaks, ensuring your central air conditioner functions optimally.

After repairing the leak, the system needs to be recharged with the correct amount of refrigerant. It's important to remember that an undercharged or overcharged system can lead to inefficiency and damage. That's why AirGreen's services in Montreal include precision refrigerant recharging, ensuring the perfect balance for maximum cooling performance.

In conclusion

Maintaining the correct refrigerant levels in your central air conditioner is crucial for optimal cooling. AirGreen’s expert technicians are dedicated to detecting and repairing refrigerant leaks, ensuring your Montreal home stays cool and comfortable all summer long.