NovoClimat Grant Program



A Novoclimat home not only guarantees more comfort for its occupants, but also generally enables annual savings of 20% on your energy bills.

There are three (3) different types of Novoclimat subsidy programs, namely:

  • The Novoclimat – Home program encourages the construction of new homes that are built with high energy performance, according to specific construction requirements. This program mainly applies to single-family dwellings (individual, semi-detached, row), bigenerational or single-family homes with an adjoining dwelling.
  • The Novoclimat – Small multi-unit building program stimulates the construction of high energy performance residential buildings throughout Greater Montreal and Quebec. This program applies to duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes, as well as apartment buildings of 3 floors or less and 600 m2 or less (6460 ft2). The types of eligible buildings can be social or private (condos, apartments).
  • The Novoclimat – Large multi-unit building program applies to buildings of more than 600 m² (6,460 ft2) and up to 10 floors whose main form of energy is electricity, natural gas, or residual forest biomass. Eligible buildings must absolutely be buildings under construction or undergoing major renovation. Again, both social and private buildings (condos, apartments) are eligible. Partial renovation projects may be admissible, but only if they can meet all Novoclimat requirements.

 Novoclimat defines the technical requirements to be met during the construction of a house or a multi-dwelling building, making it possible to offer energy performance that exceeds the standards in force in Quebec. It is essential to consult the Novoclimat Owner's Guide (2021 Edition) before carrying out any work. 

The program includes several components, including the training and certification of construction contractors in Quebec, as well as ventilation specialists. In addition, there is the free inspection of homes during their construction and the approval of compliant homes, by an independent specialist with a government mandate.

Finally, this program also includes the provision of financial assistance:

  • to the developer for the Small multi-dwelling building and Large multi-dwelling building components
  • to the buyer and the contractor for the home component
  • $2,000 for the owner of the house
  • $4,000 for first-time homeowners

The financial assistance granted for a heat pump in Novoclimat - Homes and Novoclimat - Small multi-unit buildings may vary depending on the heating power of the system installed.

The ENERGY STAR® qualified heat pump chosen must be on the list of certified heat pumps at the time of installation. The amount of financial assistance offered for each model of min-split or central heat pump is indicated on the list.

Visit the Novoclimat program website managed by the Government of Quebec for information regarding the eligibility conditions and the procedures to follow to be entitled to the subsidy in Greater Montreal and throughout Quebec, or contact us for details at 514-316-2973.

For any questions about the Novoclimat Program, please call Program Support at 1 866 266-0008 or write to We always suggest to our clients that they call or email customer support directly for each program. The waiting times are usually not very long, and it is always worth it. Since the programs can vary every year, having the right information is very important to obtain the grant. Check with AirGreen for the latest program updates. 

Consult the other programs offered by the Government of Canada or the Government of Quebec to ensure that you take full advantage of all the grants and subsidies that are available to you. There are several and the more you inform yourself, the more you will save!