Installation d'une Thermopompe Murale Gree LOMO 23 à Saint-Constant
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Installation of a Gree LOMO 23 Wall-Mounted Heat Pump in Saint-Constant

Crafting Comfort: A Tale of Precision and Satisfaction

Setting the Scene: Saint-Constant, South Shore

In the charming enclave of Saint-Constant on Montreal’s South Shore, a residence whispered for relief from the relentless swings of Canadian seasons. The second floor, a space of retreat and repose, bore the brunt of summer’s fury and winter’s chill. Enter AirGreen, armed with expertise and the Gree LOMO 23, ready to restore balance.

Gree LOMO 23: Unpacking Excellence

  • Cooling and Heating Mastery: With a formidable 18,000 BTU cooling capacity and steadfast performance at -25°C, the Gree LOMO 23 is a sentinel of comfort.
  • Silent Guardian: With interior sound levels oscillating between a whisper-quiet 39 and 47 dB(A), it’s comfort felt but not heard.
  • Efficiency Personified: With a 20.0 SEER efficiency rating and Energy Star® certification, it’s a symphony of performance and savings.

Installation Chronicles: Precision Meets Aesthetics

The canvas was the second floor, and precision was non-negotiable. The Gree LOMO 23 had to be perfectly centered, a beacon radiating comfort evenly across the floor. Navigating through rooms and closets with finesse, our team laid pipes with the precision of a maestro wielding a conductor’s baton. Holes made, but none left behind, thanks to our collaboration with a skilled plasterer who not only sealed the gaps but also left behind a canvas painted to perfection.

Why Gree LOMO 23?

  • Grants Galore: Eligible for Federal Grants (between $2,500 to $5,000) and a Provincial Grant of $620, the Gree LOMO 23 is not just an investment in comfort but also in savings.
  • Warranty Wonderland: With a 10-10-10 warranty on compressor, parts, and labor, and an included extended warranty, it’s a decade of worry-free comfort.
  • Tech-Savvy Comfort: Optional WiFi capability means comfort is always at your fingertips, wherever you are.

Customer’s Joy: The True Measure of Success

Thrilled is an understatement for our client’s reaction. The Gree LOMO 23 was not just an appliance; it was a promise fulfilled. The joy cascaded down the neighborhood, leading to another installation just two doors down, spreading comfort and joy in its wake.

AirGreen: Where Commitment Meets Excellence

At AirGreen, we don’t just install; we transform spaces, craft comfort, and build relationships. Each installation is a tale of commitment, expertise, and unmatched customer satisfaction, with the Gree LOMO 23 installation in Saint-Constant being the latest in our anthology of success stories.

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